Selling Your Services as a Florist
What are your clients biggest objections? What is your sales conversion rate?
Before Having a Growth Mindset
Leads were never qualified
No questionnaire to get to know the client
Conducting all in-person consultations (time consuming!)
No confidence in pricing
Did not offer the sale
Hours to days to create proposals
No incentives for clients to purchase
No follow up system
Booking rate was 50% (and lots were not the right type of client)
Remember: Quantity vs. Quality
Qualify leads. Are they the right client for your business?
Know my market/client by creating a Know, Like, Trust factor
Talk less, listen more
Ask questions!
Focus on value NOT price
Send estimates quickly - that day or the very next day.
Offer incentives
Booking rate is 75%
Quality vs. Quantity
It All Starts with Mindset
Understand your WHY. Hold tight to why you started your business.
Think about helping others vs. Selling to others.
Have the Intention of serving, not selling
Create trust and connection
Don’t chase prospects. Beware of following up too much.
Be confident in your value and skills
Have Growth Mindset
My Selling Process
Build KLT
Have valuable conversations
Eliminate objections
Offer sale
Follow up
Lead Capture
Quick Chat
Build KLT
Get your clients to know you, like you and trust you!
Send a thank you email after you connect with them. Make it personal and share things about yourself to create a connection. Include a brochure of your work, your social media and any other information you want to share. You can also send them a questionnaire. This way you can find out their needs, wants, likes and dislikes. Once you are moving forward with them, invite them for a quick chat on the phone to break the ice and get to know them. Utilize email marketing to your advantage.
“Price Is What You Pay, Value Is What You Get”
Valuable Conversations
Get to know them through a conversation
Once again, listen more, talk less
It’s your chance to learn needs/wants
Ask them questions so they know your engaged
Empathize with concerns, and be understanding
Acknowledge the validity of their concerns
Offer solutions to their needs, and share why you have value
Quality + value
Eliminate Objections
Justify your price
Share your experience
Show your expertise
List benefits
Highlight quality + value
Be prepared
Set yourself apart
Share your process
Offer incentives
Offer payment plan
Give expiration date
Review contract
Follow Up
2 days after estimate is sent (if not viewed)
1 day before incentives expire
1 day before estimate expires
Ask to connect to clarify
Archived event notice
Best Practices: VALUE vs PRICE
Know your target market
Be confident
Focus on client experience
Listen to wants/needs
Know the situation
Ask questions to clarify and understand
Offer and quantify solutions
List benefits
Highlight quality & value