Best SEO Tips for Florists
Greg Todd is the Owner and Chief at GT Marketing
Create Shareable Content
Make sure what you create is easy to share on other platforms. Create original content, which is great for floral designers. We create new designs almost every week, so take as many high quality pictures as possible. Original content will increase your search optimization way more than sharing and reblogging other articles. One idea is to create a how-to or a tutorial for other florists or potential clients.
Ideas for Shareable Content
Create articles and posts where there’s enough detail that people can’t memorize it. The more in depth the content, the more chances of someone saving or sharing it. Have a call to action to invoke engagement. Post with the intention to create brand awareness or direct the audience to your website. Include offers, discounts, or promotional text to reward the audience for taking the time to read your content.
Create a Blog: Establish Your Credibility
Be consistent with blog posts. The more blog posts you create, the more effective it will be. You can start slowly and be consistent with your posting scheduling. Marketing is reaching the ideal customer, branding is create a top of mind awareness. A blog is a great place to share your expertise but also share your personality.
Floral Designer Blog Ideas
Real Wedding posts
A look back at your month, quarter, or year
Tutorials and How-To Design
Conference reviews
Find Questions that Need to Be Answered
There are lots of Q&A sites with unclear or undefined answers. Sites like Quora can give you leads to what topics people are learning about and need a fresh take. Search for questions that have been asked multiple times and need a great blog post to answer.
How to Keep Your Writing Informative & Clear
Separate your content into logical sections - this is great for SEO
Write in short, simple sentences.
Weave storytelling throughout your content
Use bullet points or numbered lists. “Top 5 Ways to Style a Centerpiece”
Use videos, slideshows and other multimedia when it is appropriate.
Finding the Best Keywords
Make sure to optimize your site with keywords that you ideal client will be searching. You want to rank #1 for things that people are actively searching on Google. Be specific with locations and what you offer. Search keywords and see what your competitors are doing to show up high on the search list. Be careful about using the same keyword on various pages because Google will choose one page, and it may not be the one you really want to show up for that keyword.
Know What Your Competitors Are Doing
Use Google PageRank or MozRank to analyze linked pages. Log out of your google account to see how your page is ranking when you search. You can always check out your analytics to see where you are ranking and where you should spend time.
Optimize your Site and Meta Tags
Google only shows the first 66 characters, to display the keywords. Get your top keywords on your homepage and rank on Google for those keywords. Also optimize your file names when you save your images. Make sure photos are named something that includes a key word that people might search. SEO is all about original content and searchability.
Next steps for your website
Create Shareable content
Find and implement the best keywords for your business
Know what you competitors are doing
Optimize your title and meta tag descriptions
Optimize your file names
Make sure your site looks great on all devices
List a physical address and contact information