Posts in Business Systems
Business Essentials: Implementing A Pre+Post Client Workflow That Serves, Educates & Delights!

We are so happy to have you here with us! September is already in full swing and this month we are talking all about Onboarding & Offboarding when it comes to your client processes and experiences. This week we are focusing on qualifying, serving, educating and supporting clients from start to finish. We are so excited to begin a new month filled with a fresh set of resources, tools, education and so much more! Read on with us to learn more about implementing a pre+post client workflow that serves, educates and delights!

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Business Essentials: Tips For Creating Style Boards + Proposals For Your Ideal Clients

For the month of August we have been talking all about Consultations + Proposals. These two components of your business are so important when working to create that ideal client experience. Consultations allow you to show your clients who you are, what you do, how you do what you do and why you do what you do. This part of your process is where you work to understand and get to know your clients a bit better. Taking the time to then take the information you have gathered and present that through your style boards and proposals is really where the magic happens and your clients can get a taste of what you have to offer!

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Consultations & Proposals: Tips For Creating Elevated Proposals That Set You Apart & Help Close The Sale

This week we are diving right into some hearty business essentials! If you don’t already know, August is the month we are talking all about consultations and proposals. These are 2 incredibly important aspects of your business so do not sleep on what we’ve got to share with you this week! :) We’ve been in this industry for quite some time and we have gone through some serious trial and error seasons in our business so our hope is that you can minimize mistakes, headaches and extra stress with the information we have for you.

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Business Essentials: How To Use HoneyBook To Capture, Qualify and Book New Business

Looking to grow your business? We’ve got the goods for you and they are sweet! ;) HoneyBook is a platform that encourages you and equips you with the resources to streamline your business. Whether you are looking to be more organized, create workflows, automations, write up and send proposals, complete contracts, bring in that cash money, all while creating and delivering a top of the line client experience, HoneyBook is the jam! Check out our post to learn more!

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The 2021 Fleursociety Bloom Bundle: Business Building + Design Resources

We launched our Bloom Bundle earlier this week and we cannot contain our excitement! If you haven’t already done so, snag your Bloom Bundle today before this offer is over! We are off to an incredible start so far and have been loving the feedback we have been receiving from members of our Fleursociety Community! We want to get you plugged in with this incredible vessel of education, resources, tips, tricks, tools, advice, support and so much more! This Bloom Bundle is a steal AND if you’re just tuning in, today we are announcing we have added a BUNDLE BONUS! So on top of all of the amazing content, education, resources and MORE, we have included the Fleursociety Business Summit 2020 Replay! Resources are so incredibly beneficial and important to grow your endeavors no matter what season of your business you are in so we can’t thank all of our amazing designers and creatives we have partnered with enough for helping make this bundle happen!

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Fleursociety 2018 Design Summit Replay Featuring Design Mechanics, Principles, Strategies, Tips & More

If you don’t know by now, we are passionate about community as well as education! Our floral community is filled with endless support, connections, teachings, innovations, inspiration and so much more. Every year presents us designers with new beginnings, challenges and wins and with all of that there is a community that is behind us all, 100%. Our Annual Design Summits have been created with the purpose to educate, inspire and guide all those who participate and watch from afar. If you have not had the chance to attend one of our Summits we highly encourage you to check out our Bloom Bundle Package filled with Summit Replays from 2018-2021. These Summits are designed for you to advance yourself, your business, your team, your mindset, your confidence, your capabilities and so much more! We hope you will join us where you will gain access to resources, business advice and floral education from top industry professionals!

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