3 Reasons Why You Should Attend This Year’s 2021 Design Summit
Calling all you Floral Entrepreneurs! WHERE YOU AT?!
We have some exciting news just for you!
Right around the corner is our 7th Annual Online Design Summit! Packed with all the things needed to strengthen you and your businesses we will be diving into how to grow your business, how to improve your confidence, how to sharpen your design skills, how to target your ideal client audience, how to practice self care, how to build your marketing strategies and MORE!
In this 5 day Summit we will be diving into all different business related topics with over 30 different top industry professionals. This is the place to be! If you are looking for a sign to join this year’s summit… let it be known, this is it!
Join us as we work to build each other and our business’s up one day at a time!
1. Do You Struggle With Confidence In Yourself As Well As In Your Business?
2. Are You Looking For The Tools Needed To Boost Your Business And Confidence?
3. Do You Need To Improve Your Brand’s Authenticity So That You Can Successfully Market To Your Ideal Client Audience?
4. Are You Looking To Build Your Social Media Presence And Don’t Know Where To Begin Or How to Improve?
5. Do You Have An Understanding About Diversifying Your Offerings And Supplementing Your Profits?
6. Are You Struggling With Your marketing Strategies? Do You Have a Marketing Strategy?
7. Do You Need Help In Figuring Out Strategies To Generate More Leads?
8. How Often Do You Share Testimonials And Utilize Networking Opportunities For Business Advancements And Benefits?
If you can relate to any of these questions, you are not alone. This year’s design summit has been designed with you in mind.
We are always looking for ways to share industry insight, knowledge, education and power to build you and your business and take you to the next level!
“The Fleursociety Online Summit was such a brilliant idea! It was like the ultimate business slumber party! I laughed with CeCe Todd and relaxed with Katie Davis. It was so nice to learn from the best in the business from the comfort of my home and in my pajamas. I loved it!”
This Will Get You Into The Business Building Mindset.
You Will Experience A Sampling Of The Minds Of The Masters.
This Will Provide You With An Arsenal Of Business Related Topics & Tools.
REASON 1: Let’s get you into that business building mindset!
Do you sometimes feel like you’ve hit a wall or sometimes lack the knowledge of how to navigate your business further? We’ve all been there. Though these times can feel intimidating and overwhelming, we want you to know we all have to start somewhere. We want you to feel confident about your next steps and understand that there is foundational groundwork that needs to be built before you can advance your business endeavors further.
Like all great things, they have to start from a strong foundation, we want to work with you to teach you those fundamental skills needed to get you in the right mindset and lead you in the direction to making the correct decisions for you and your business! Remember, building your business is a process and like all good things, it takes hard work, time, effort and lots of dedication.
REASON 2: Think of this summit as a sampling platter of the minds of the masters.
We have the opportunity to connect with and learn from top industry leaders and professionals of today’s floral industry. This is a Summit that is curated and has been created with the intention that there is something there for everyone. We have over 30 incredible educators who come from all over the world at your fingertips to offer you educational components and information needed to help jumpstart you in the right direction.
As this past year has been a heavy year for us all, we want you to leave our Summit feeling Inspired, Rejuvenated and On Fire with a passion to take your business to new heights!
REASON 3: We are providing you with an arsenal toolbox full of great topics.
4 words. Intentional Strategy. Actionable Steps. Um Hello. This is gold! The amount of educational topics that we will be diving into and discussing is a true arsenal of goodness and strength. You will be gaining the opportunity to network with those industry professionals around the globe.
What is so neat is that this summit can happen right in your living room and home office! There will be several breakout sessions as well as Live Q+A Panels allowing you to get your questions answered and dive in deeper to teach you all the in’s and out’s of business in the floral world.
“The Summit provided me with access to the floral community and such a diverse range of educational topics. I felt like I got many of the benefits of a traditional conference without the burden of having to travel. The format was also great because I didn’t have to take time off and I was able to access the resources after the Summit ended.”
We want to get you involved in growing your business and learning to do it successfully!
We hope you will join us!
Below are the 2 passes we are offering at this year’s Summit!
Pass includes a Welcome Party, 30+ Business Building Presentations, 7 Days Access and a Private Facebook Community!
Pass includes a Welcome Party, Live Keynote Speaker, Breakout Sessions With Educators, 30+ Business Building Presentations, Session Workbooks, Daily LIVE Q+A Panel, Daily LIVE Clubhouse After Party, Private Facebook Community, Virtual Swag Bag, LIFETIME Access to ALL Sessions and an Educator Bundle Bonus!
CLICK HERE to SIGN UP for this year’s 2021 Design Summit! Woo Hoo!
To gain access to other courses designed to help streamline your business, CLICK HERE!
We are so excited for the many great things ahead for you and your business. We look forward to connecting with you in our online courses or this year’s Summit. We can’t wait to meet you!
We are rooting for you, always!
XOXO, Fleursociety Team!