Creating A Brand Story That Speaks And Sells To Your Ideal Client

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There is power in storytelling.

So much can be shared through words, images and descriptive language. We’ve grown up in a world where no matter your culture or native tongue, storytelling is a way to spread your message, your unique message. Storytelling works to create a relationship with its audience through inspiration and the power to evoke emotion.

We as business owners and creatives owe it to ourselves to do the same as we share our brand stories to also evoke emotion and speak to our ideal clients.

Dive in with us as we talk about the importance of creating your brand story as it relates to and intrigues your ideal client.

“A word after a word after a word is power.”

-Margaret Atwood


Let’s start with a few simple questions.

Who do you want to serve?

What are the services and products you are putting out there on the market?

Who are you calling out to?

Your ideal clients are those who are looking to have their worries and obstacles solved by your business and the products and services you provide. Your ideal clients are those who invest their time and support into your business through the various services your business has to offer ranging from webinars, educational bundles, design packages, summits, etc,. These clients are those who are eager to share their experience with the rest of the world as a result of the client journey you created for them through your level of expertise and excellence. 

We want to share with you the importance of creating that brand story to really speak to, gain trust in and sell to your ideal clients. 


1. Who am I as a business owner?

2. What are my core values and the mission of my business?

3. How do I set myself apart from the competitive market?

4. How do I call out to my ideal client(s)?

5. What is the language I use to attract my ideal client(s)?

6. How does my business meet the needs of my ideal client(s)? 

Take some time for yourself and really think about these questions. Grab a notepad, get cozy and be intentional about your answers.

Understanding who you are as a business owner will allow you to communicate your brand story more effectively. 


As you create your brand story make sure it describes YOU and why your business exists. Identity is important. We as individuals all have a unique identity that sets us apart from those around us. That identity showcases our skills, talents, unique qualities, strengths, who we are, etc., Find the identity for your business and tell your story. When and how did you first begin? Why is your work important to those you serve?

Explaining your purpose and your WHY are so vital as you speak to your ideal clients in order to spark that initial interest and create a connection. Grant yourself the permission to confidently share who you are and all that you do. Working to communicate with your audience at what capacity you and your business can perform the services you describe will only benefit you as you speak the language your clients are wanting to hear. 

“Write the kind of story you would like to read. People will give you all sorts of advice about writing, but if you are not writing something you like, no one else will like it either.”

-Meg Cabot

Personality and relatability are keys to fostering connections and tapping into your ideal clients emotions. As you speak to your target audience, are you intentional about the way you speak? The adjectives you use to describe yourself and your services should be keywords that spark interest with your target audience.

Our goal for you is to turn your leads into clients and the way we do that is through initiating trust, showing your value and communicating your relatability in the early stages of your client nurture series. It’s important that you nurture your clients every step of the way. Share with them valuable information and qualify them from the very beginning by relaying who you are, all that you are and your service expectations.


It’s important to be meaningful with our work.

Showing we care about our work and for our clients are important aspects in the nurture series. Our clients want to feel like they matter. And they should. It is up to us to relay to our clients that there is no need to worry and they are in the hands of exceptional professionals. Once your client clicks your website, take them on a journey that grabs their attention from the very start. Illustrate to them the qualities you have and how you are going to make their life that much better. We want you to inspire your clients.


As much as words matter, so does our work. Making meaningful work is something so special. We are crafters of a special kind of art form. What we do is creative, it’s expressive, it’s passionate and it’s beautiful. We want our work to leave our clients feeling like their life has been impacted in some type of way. We want our work and our company’s name to leave an impression on the hearts of our clients as a result of our ability to meet their needs and bring solutions to their problems.

As you tell your brand story, share with your clients the type of content that educates them on the resources and options you have to offer that will benefit them, further building their trust in you. 

Allow yourself the space to create a brand story that is humble and authentic. If new leads come your way and they are not the right fit, that’s okay. Take the work that is right for you and learn to say no when necessary. Make sure you value your work, your team and protect your business. Invest in the clients who invest in your business and you will create a community that takes care of itself.

Nurture your clients every step of the way and show them that they made the right choice in listening to you and your story!


It’s important that we put our thoughts into action. We’d love for you to take a look at these next steps and work to implement them into your business practices. Give yourself some time to go over these questions. 

  • Have I found my brand’s identity?

  • Does my brand’s identity match up with our core values and mission?

  • Are there ways I can improve my brand’s story?

  • Does my brand story have a voice that speaks to my ideal client?

  • What am I saying to my ideal client?

  • How can I better communicate to my clients that I am the right fit for them?

Take some time to brainstorm these questions and then create a plan of action. Strategizing how you can improve your business efforts through improving your language and better communicating your expectations on your website will allow you to gain the clients you want.

As you work to be more intentional about the content you are sharing, work to be more intentional about who you are marketing to. Find the space that your business stands out in and speak to those who you want to connect with and fill that space with. 

We want you to build your business and grow your endeavors! We are rooting for you, always!

XOXO, Fleursociety Team!