Fleursociety Fall Design Summit 2021: All That’s Happening, The Endless Amounts Of Education, The Community, The Bloom Access Pass & More!

Fleursociety Online Summit All That's Happening, The Endless Amount Of Education, The Community, Bloom Access Pass & More.png

Hey Fleursociety! 

Oh. My. Word. 

What a phenomenal week we are having! If you don’t already know, we have been hosting our 8th Annual Fleursociety Design Summit since Sunday and it has truly been one for the books. Every Summit just keeps growing and gets better and better. It’s really cool to see how the Summit comes together each time and is so impactful in new ways each year. We LOVE that. 

We are a community that is built upon love, support, education and unity. If you are new and are visiting our page for the first time, we want you to know that you have a place here. You’ve been in business for one year? Great! 2 days? Awesome! 15+ years? Wonderful! Maybe you don’t work in the floral industry but you just love flowers? Cool! Flowers might be your hobby? Heck yeah! 

We have a seat in this community for you no matter where you are at in your journey.

There is no one too experienced nor is there anyone with too little experience that does not have a place here. This community we have fostered is one that includes business owners, hobbyists, parents, entrepreneurs, beginners, seasoned professionals and more. We offer education for every level and we work to spread love and support to all no matter what. We all have to start somewhere and Fleursociety is a great place to build yourself, create global friendships, set goals and achieve them! 

We’d love to connect with you over on our Instagram page! We share all things floral. I’m talking EVERYTHING & ANYTHING that brings us joy, makes us proud and inspires us. This week ESPECIALLY we are sharing all the happenings and closing events from this year’s Design Summit! Click here and we will see you there!


Ain’t no party like a flower party, am I right?! 

We kicked Summit off this past Sunday with a zesty Welcome Party! Jammed packed with a fun welcome gathering, run down of what the week holds, giveaway information, a motivational Keynote speech by the talented Gracie Poulson as well as multiple Breakout Sessions talking about all different levels of business and growth + a special Spanish Speaking session, it was SO good

Our Breakout sessions were so special this year! We featured a PLANT, GROW/BLOOM & Spanish Session. Each had their own unique offerings as we gained advice and insight from various educators like Posh Peony, Cottage Garden, Ann Van Midden, Verde Olivo, Aniska, Little Bird Bloom, Gatherings by Apotheca and more! What we loved this year was that we got to bring up some Summit attendees to jump in the hot seat and tell us a bit about their story and business journey where they would then receive feedback and notes LIVE from the educators. After the year 2020 put us all through, that human interaction and connection went over so well! It was much needed! 

As the week has gone on we have witnessed countless educators pour their hearts into their demos, teachings and guides. Each day brings with it a new focus whether that be personals, large scale installations, centerpieces, wall art, backdrops, bouquets, business advice and so much more! 

We still have a few days left of this incredible Summit and if you are looking to gain access to everything there is still time! We are still offering our Bloom Access Pass! You can gain access to all of the Replays, Guides, Templates and more by grabbing your pass over here!


Summit week is not over just yet as we still have all of today’s events and our Spanish Summit over the weekend BUT we look forward to continuing to build this community one floral enthusiast at a time! 

Just in these last few days international friendships have been formed, education has been poured out, stories have been shared and our community has been enhanced. We look forward to the future Summits that will take place and to the education that will always be continual here in our community. 

We appreciate each and every one of you and we are grateful you stopped by our page for a quick visit! 


We hope you feel welcomed in this space of creativity and learning! We love this community so much and we cannot stress enough how grateful we are that we get to be a part of something so special! 

If you are a part of this year’s Summit we hope you enjoy the final days as this year’s Fall Summit comes to a close! Take in all that you can and enjoy the ride! We’ve loved getting to know each and every one of you! 

If you would like to gain access to any of our past Summits, watch the Replays and get ahold of the goodies you can click here to check them all out! We have had a wide variety of educators with unique skills, talents and educational offerings. We hope you take the time to invest in you and your business!

We are rooting for you, ALWAYS. 

XOXO, Fleursociety