Creating Attractive Websites for Florists
Are you satisfied with your current website? Does your website attract your ideal client?
Common Website Mistakes
Your website lacks optimization meaning photos are taking a long time to load, and things are outdated.
Your branding is inconsistent, with varying fonts, colors, and sizes. This hinders your brand recognition.
Your copywriting is unclear or does not sound like you. The wording needs to get your point across clearly.
Content (pricing, contact info, recent posts) are outdated.
You aren’t building a list. You should be capturing emails and information from those who visit your website.
Contact info is hard to find. The visitors should be able to contact you easily.
Your website is not mobile friendly. Most people today are using their phones to browse the web. You want your site to be attractive on desk tops or mobile.
Optimizing Your Website
Here are some key design factors to optimize your website. Have a simple design because this will decrease the time it takes for your page to load. Try and use text instead of images. Although images are great attention grabbers, they do not pick up as much traffic in a Google search. They also cause your website to load slower. Resize your images so that they are not the large, original photo size. However, don’t make them so small that the quality is hindered. Google authorship is a way to link your website with your contact information.
Avoid having any music on your website. It seems like a nice touch until your site visitor is at work or another place they must be quiet. It also makes your page load slower. Keep SEO in mind when tagging posts, naming photos and creating titles. Search engine optimization is key to being found in Google results.
Branding your Website
The key to keeping your website clean & simple is consistency and professionalism. Professional images are a must, because the way your work is displayed represents your brand. Always stay consistent in how you post, what you post, and how things look. Get your logo designed by a professional graphic designer. This will elevate your brand. Consistency matters for your color palette as well. Once you choose 3-4 colors that you want, use those throughout your online presence. Your website needs to look and feel like you. It needs to show your character and evoke emotion to the viewers.
Copywriting to Express Your Brand
Have a clear message on your website. Personalize it to feel relatable. Be aware of your tone of voice, making sure you come across exactly how you want to. Be concise in your writing, because long paragraphs will cause viewers to check out and move on. Be conversational, even using first person if that conveys your message better. Tell stories with your images and text. Always use keywords because this will allow your website to come up higher and higher in a Google search. Last but not least, add call-to-action throughout your site. This includes “Call now” or “Click here to contact me”.
Content on your Website
There are a few pages you should definitely have on your site. Have an ‘About’ section, expressing who you are and displaying a professional headshot. Share your ‘Services + Pricing’ so you can attract the type of customers you are hoping to work with. Have a ‘Portfolio’ page to display the work that matches your brand. Testimonials should be shared and woven throughout your website. Prominently show your ‘Contact Info’, not just a form for people to fill out. Some folks may just want to directly call or email you. However, you should still have a ‘Lead Form’ because this way you can capture the lead information. Create a ‘Blog’ page to keep visitors updated on what you are working on. Be sure to keep this updated with recent posts, because if you leave the blog page untouched, it looks like you are not working on anything new. Lastly, have buttons to connect to your Social Media.
List Building
This is important so you can grow your brand and provide valuable content to interested parties. Factors for building a list are:
Lead capture (lead form)
Lead magnet / Opt-in (core offer)
Content upgrades (tied to a post)
Welcome/Nurture series
Build KLT
Sell to a warm list
Contact Info
The information that should be provided on your website:
Phone Number, Email, Address
Include a page that is dedicated to contacting you. You should also add this to the footer of your website.
Mobile Friendly
A mobile friendly site is responsive to whatever device it is being displayed upon. If you have a simple design this will be much easier. Mobile friendly sites are easy to navigate with easy to find buttons and pages. This version of your site will show your core content, not every page your site has. Just list the important pages here. Make your CTA very clear and easy to find. Examples are “book now” or “schedule a call”. Definitely show your contact info on a mobile site. Try to avoid having a pop up on the mobile version. They work great on a desktop site, but on mobile it may hinder your visitors experience.
Website Tips
Outsource if possible. Sometimes it’s tempting to do everything ourselves, but the website is very important to the success of your business. Outsourcing this project to a professional will yield great results with less stress on you.
Great places to build your website are Square Space, Show it and Wordpress. Avoid “free” websites. They do not have all the features and design elements you need for a professional website. Buy your domain right away because the dream website name you want could be taken. When you are buying a domain name, also get a domain email.
What You Can Do Next
Evaluate your website
Outline your DREAM website
Determine a budget
Buy domain + email
Set up hosting
Start design process