7 Helpful Tips To Leverage Your Social Media Efforts With Tailwind

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Hey Fleursociety Friends!

How confident are you in your social media efforts? Do you have a strong Instagram presence? How about Facebook? Have you found this app helpful for you or your business? The wonderful world of social media can bring on a mix of emotions where one day you feel like you are doing it right and the next you feel like you are falling behind within the new algorithms. 

It is our hope that the information we share here will help you utilize these apps to the best of their ability and have you reaping their many benefits! As always, don’t get discouraged, we all start somewhere and being in business is a journey! 

Dive in with us as we talk about how to leverage your social media efforts with Tailwind!


We love this platform we have here on our blog! This space has been created so that we can share what we have learned with you all so that you can strengthen your business and get you feeling more confident in your unique abilities! 

If you are not familiar with Tailwind, let’s get you introduced today! What an amazing app this is! As we’ve said before, Tailwind is the guru of scheduling and creating content. It’s an all in one planner that is the real OG when it comes to saving time and streamlining your social media processes. 

We are huge on the whole concept of working smarter and not harder so why not share all of this great intel about an app that will change your business game! 

We want you to remember that working with these apps is all about committing to consistency so that you can get to the point where you can automate your content and get these apps working for you. With the craziness of life we can oftentimes feel discouraged or unsure of how to work efficiently and effectively but integrating Tailwind into your business processes will be a huge life changer!


So let’s talk Tailwind. 

Tailwind really does have a lot to offer. And to start, you can sign up through your Instagram or Pinterest. It would be helpful to head over to their site and see what they have to offer. They have a variety of pricing structures but they do offer a free account! This might be a great place to start if you are not yet ready to commit to subscribing to this app. Feel it out, try the free account, learn about the app and see if it works for you! No stress and no pressure! 

Let’s dive into the 7 helpful ways you can leverage your social media efforts with Tailwind. 

1. Show Your Best

So once you have familiarized yourself with Tailwind, next would be a great opportunity to take the time to dump all of your photos into your publisher. As always, make sure you are putting in your best shots and work in this publisher. This is a great first step to ensure you will have awesome content to share! 

2. Plan Your Grid

Visually planning your grid is an important aspect you do not want to sleep on. This is a great way to keep balance in your feed and make sure your aesthetic is looking just how you want it to. Now this does take some planning BUT utilizing apps like Tailwind will help you eliminate extra time and have you working and producing content efficiently. 

3. Customize To Your Liking

We love that this app is fully customizable. The publisher will allow you to customize your content plan which is awesome! This means that you will input the kind of content you’d ideally share for your clients and Tailwind will then share with you a template that will help you present it best. 

4. Edit Your Time Slots

How many times do you want to post your content? Once a day? Twice a day? This editing feature in Tailwind will take a look at your analytics and present you with an ideal time to engage with your viewers. Let the app do the work for you! 

5. Hashtag It

You know we all love a good hashtag! This app can and will skim through your descriptions and pull hashtags that you can use. Crazy right?! This feature will recognize your activity and recommend what you can post. Once you’ve found hashtags that you love it’s great that you can save those in your publisher for future use! Talk about staying organized!  

6. Write Captions

Captions are helpful to grab your follower’s attention. Tailwind will provide you with prompts to help you spark some inspiration for what to say and how to share it. Whether you are sharing educational, promotional or any other type of content, the app will help you out by providing you with templates to help you create the perfect post. 

7. Use Stock Images 

Fun fact: there are royalty free images that you can use for your own posts within this app! You can upload your own media and/or use the stock images included in the app. You don’t have to worry about copyright issues or any other technical issues, the images are accessible for all!

Let’s not forget that we want to use our attraction marketing strategies. Whether you believe it or not, your feed does matter. Your ideal clients are looking to see what is possible and those beautifully prepared portfolios help provide ideal clients with the possibilities that you can offer them.

Having a well put together feed truly does go a long way! 


Take some time to do some research and see if this app or others similar to it may work for you! It’s so important that we work to curate content that is meaningful and intentional. Putting the extra work into what you are sharing will leave you reaping the benefits of your labor! Click here to give Tailwind a try and then come on over and join our Tailwind Community here!

We’d love to have you join us in our community whether that be our Facebook Family, Instagram Community or our Mentorship Program. Our Membership includes coaching calls, lessons, how to’s, replays and more! This mentorship includes the opportunity to engage with us, ask all the questions and gain all the knowledge and insight you need. If this is something that interests you click Free Membership or Bloom Mentorship to learn more! We can’t wait to connect with you! 

As always, we are rooting for you! 

You’ve got this!

XOXO, Fleursociety Team!