Tips For Using A Content Calendar To Batch Your Blog & Social Media Posts

Fleursociety Tips For Using A Content Calendar To Batch Your Blog & Social Media Posts.png

Hey Fleursociety Friends!

Last week we talked all about online presence and the role it plays in your business. It’s important that your online presence is filled with content that represents all that you are, all that you do, why you do what you do and how you do what you do.

If you’re not sharing content in this digital age we’re living in, then let’s get you started on your online presence journey today! It’s never too late to start! We are so passionate about sharing education that takes your business to new heights. We love to encourage you to want more for yourself and more for your business.

Dive in with us this week as we discuss how you can utilize a content calendar and batch your content! 


Are you a list maker? Do you take notes? Is it helpful for you to write things down and check them off? Does doing so help you feel accomplished and organized?

Being business owners and entrepreneurs our schedules can be crazy jam packed with work in addition to the normal everyday hustle and bustle of our lives. If we want to be organized, push for efficiency and work towards success then we must be organized and work with a schedule.

The same way that you plan and schedule out your client appointments, consultations, meetings, events, etc., you can be scheduling out your weekly content through a content calendar. 

A content calendar is essentially a schedule that you take the time to write as a means to plan out when you want your content pushed out and published. It’s as simple as it sounds. Mapping out when you want your content to go live. 

Do you have a blog, promotional material, upcoming events or summits, new work for your portfolio? How often are you sharing this content? When are you sharing it? Are you consistent and have you created a balanced flow? Well, if you are unsure or have any iffy responses to our questions, we believe you could benefit greatly from utilizing a content calendar.

There are so many resources out there! Just pop it into your search engine and find the content calendar that works for you.


Ever heard the old saying “work smarter, not harder”? Well, content batching is essentially just that.

Content batching is the art of working to create your content in a planned sitting. Not moving and grooving at random times in your busy day to jot down ideas that come to mind but intentionally sitting down, finding the time to create new ideas, blog post topics, reels or videos, in that intentional space.

As a means to keep your creativity in sync, learning how to batch and to do it well will create so much value and save you many headaches. 


Let’s talk about 3 helpful strategies that will allow you to improve your blogging and social media efforts!

1. Get A Calendar

Get yourself a calendar, honey! Map out your content and get it done! 

2. Batch + Automate

Plan your material. Figure out how you can create weeks even months ahead of time. Work to find consistency and a flow that is balanced and strong!

3. Outsource

“Ain’t nobody got time for that.” Delegate. Delegate. Delegate. Find professionals you trust and hire them to take on tasks you don’t have time for or might not be the best at. This will help ease your stress and allow you to get the job done with those who are willing and capable to help you and your business. 


We hope you are able to take away some of these tips and implement them into your business practices. Remember, it’s never too late to begin your online presence and be intentional about when and how you share your content. Take some time to brainstorm what content you’d like to create and how you’d like to achieve it. Do some research on different apps and platforms that will help you bring your content to life.

Be confident, be organized, be consistent and engage with your audience around you! We have all the faith that you will and can achieve this aspect of your business!  

If you are looking to get a hold of more resources and educational information for your business, click here! 

We are rooting for you, always! You can do this! 

XOXO, Fleursociety Team