It’s Time to Highlight, Share some Takeaways and Talk about the Floral Magic that took place at the 2021 Fall Design Summit!

Hey Fleursociety! 

Happy Friday and hello to you :) 

I am simply in awe when I think back on all that happened during our Fall Summit last month. My team and I are sincerely humbled, grateful and overwhelmed by the turnout, the participation and the endless love and support we have felt from all corners of the world. Our Fall Design Summit was a week-long event filled with loads of education, demos, live chats, interviews, giveaways, hot seats, guided designs and more!

I’m going to be completely honest, the Summit is demanding. It’s time consuming and it is truly a lot of work. BUT the Summit is also so rewarding. The Summit is incredibly motivating and it is simply life changing

Our Fleursociety Design Summits are an experience like no other. Interested in catching the Fall Summit Replay?! Click here and let’s get you plugged in! 

Keep reading to learn more about why our Summits are one of a kind! 


How often do you challenge yourself?

Are you setting yourself up for success in this current season?

Are you confident in your business leadership right now? Confident in your design skills?

Are you actively working to sharpen your skills and become a stronger designer?

How often do you seek out education, resources and information to stay up to date with new techniques, business practices and so on?

We invite you to ask yourself these questions because these questions are relevant for us all no matter where we are at in our personal journey. Our community is meant to challenge, educate and support our members. We all could use extra support and encouragement so we hope you feel welcome here. :) 

In this blooming industry (love a good flower pun), it’s important that we value ourselves just as much as we value our clients. I’m talking about care on every level. This starts with self care, care of your mental + physical health, care of your team, care of your business, care of your technique + skill levels, ALL OF IT. 

It is our mission to always be a community that works to challenge ourselves, nurture the seasons we are currently in and plan for the future. The Fleursociety Summit can allow you to do that for yourself and more! We invite you to check us out over on our Instagram page to get a closer look at our educators and fun content highlighting last month’s Summit here!


It’s been said that dance and music bring people together from all over the world. I feel it is safe to say that flowers do the same! :) This Fall Design Summit brought us attendees and educators from all around the world including South Africa, Mexico, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, the Netherlands, all over the US! 

Our Summit connects passionate creatives and entrepreneurs who are like minded and are looking to elevate themselves and enhance their skill sets. It’s really inspiring to see so many individuals come together to create a positive learning environment and experience!

This year we worked to implement a Live Chat feature that allowed our participants and educators to actively engage in chat rooms and discuss lessons, ask questions, share insight and connect with one another. This human touch allowed so many relationships to grow and friendships to be made. It was so wonderful to watch it all unfold! It is so telling of the power that floral design and artistry has as it can connect us internationally and then further create long lasting friendships and mentorships. 

We also loved having Breakout Group Sessions w/ Hot Seats where we brought up Summit attendees who would ask questions and receive advice from our educators right then and there! This was an amazing way to hear of our attendees' unique stories and life experiences. We love growing closer to each of our community members and learning about their growth, obstacles, plans for the future and the passion we all share! 

We are just so filled up from this Summit and we are already onto planning the next!

So stay tuned and be on the lookout in the next few months for future updates! 


As always, we want to encourage you and help you grow to be the best version of yourself for you, your business and your livelihood! We are here to engage with you and get you plugged in with our Fleursociety Community! Our educational content grows each year adding in new techniques, business education and floral essentials! Interested in gaining access to any of our past Fleursociety Summits?! You can check out our Summit Replay Bundle here!

We are so thankful for all of the new connections this year’s Fall Summit has brought us and we look forward to maintaining these connections via social media platforms and our connect groups! 

We are rooting for you always!

XOXO, Fleursociety!